Funding Your Startup or Growth Company: Options and Strategies




12:00 pm


Funding Your Startup or Growth Company: Options and Strategies

In this CLE, attorney Jason Acevedo will provide an overview of the various types and stages of funding for your startup or growth company, including current market trends. The presentation will also discuss the role legal counsel plays in guiding a company through the funding process and beyond.

This complimentary program will qualify for one hour of PA CLE credit.*

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Please register here to access this Zoom webinar.

*In order to qualify for CLE credit, you must attend at least 55 minutes of the live webinar. Verification codes will be provided at intervals during the course of the webinar to confirm participation. You will be required to note the codes and provide them on the survey following the webinar.